BTS Congress 2025 – March 28th – Sparks

The annual congress of the Belgian Transplantation Society will take place on the 28th of March 2025. The theme of the congress will be ‘Cancer in transplantation’.  A varied program dedicated to doctors, transplant coordinators, local coordinators, nurses, and perfusionists involved in solid organ transplantation will be presented soon. A mix of combined and parallel sessions will be offered to make it attractive and interesting for each participant. As last year, the meeting will take place at Sparks Meeting (60 rue Ravenstein straat, 1000 Bruxelles-Brussel), within 1 minute walking distance of the railway station ‘Brussel central’. Take the opportunity to present your research during the abstract sessions. Abstract submission from the end of October until the end of December 2024.


Abstract submission

Abstract submission opening date : 01-11-2024.

Abstract submission deadline: 31-12-2024.


Registration and payment for the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Transplantation Society on Friday, 28th of March 2024 is mandatory for all participants at least 5 days before the start of the congress but for free concerning participants from sponsor companies with free entrance tickets according to their sponsor contract (please respect the number of free congress entrees according to the type of sponsor contract) and emeritus BTS members.

Registration opens in November 2024.

Add one of the products below to the chart and complete the registration and payment process.