Belgian Thoracic Advisory Committee (Be-ThAC)(2024-2027)

Comittee Coordinator

To be decided – Secretary

Vice-Presidents (lung/heart)

Christiane KNOOP (HUB Erasme)(lung)

Filip REGA (UZ Leuven)(heart)

Comittee Representative

Robin  VOS – President

Robin Vos

Robin Vos

Committee representative


Overview representatives per center
UZ LeuvenW. Droogné

Lucas Van Aelst (substitute)

F. Rega

Bart Meyns (substitute)

R. Vos

Laurent Godinas (substitute)

Dirk Van Raemdonck (until 30/9/2024)

L. Ceulemans (substitute)

UZ AntwerpenA. VorlatI. RodrigusV. VerplanckeK. Yogeswaren
UZ GentS. VerstrekenT. Philipsen
OLV-ZH AalstR. DierckxB. Stockmans
Erasme BruxellesA. RoussoulieresC. StefanidisC. KnoopM. Vander Kuyler
Cliniqiues Universitaires St Luc (UCL)A.C. PouleurS. Mastrobuoni
CHU NamurF. CarlierB. Rondelet
CHU LiègeA. AncionV. Tchana-Sato
Tx CoordinatorsC. Boquelet (HUB Erasme)K. Denaux
(UZ Leuven)
EurotransplantJ. Smits
(secretary ET-ThAC)
J. Smits
(secretary ET-ThAC)

John Doe