Become a member
Why become a member?
Belgian Transplantation Society membership is open to physicians, transplant coordinators, local coordinators, nurses, and perfusionists. Becoming a BTS member offers a unique opportunity to play an active role in the field of solid organ transplantation and organ donation in Belgium. By bringing together all stakeholders in the field, BTS improves collaboration between centers. Further, the BTS provides continue education for health care professionals in order to increase the quality of the care for potential organ donors, for transplant candidates and transplant recipients.
Other benefits of BTS membership are:
- increased networking
- reduced European Society for OrganTransplantation membership fees (joint membership).
- reduced Transplantation Society membership fees (joint membership).
- reduced BTS Annual Meeting registration fees.
How to apply for membership?
Fill out your details in the form below and attach the name of two BTS members who sponsor your affiliation. Send your form by clicking the yellow button.
You will receive a confirmation email once your application has been approved by the Board.